On-Site Testing

Testing Types
Eurotest conduct testing, assess compliance and can advise on multiple types of testing regimes to suit your needs. Eurotest is run by people with 30 years of direct testing industry experience, gained in the UK and internationally, servicing the testing needs of the construction, civil engineering and geotechnical industries. We provide a wide range of on-site and laboratory based testing services, supported by an outstanding level of service and a wealth of experience in materials and geotechnical testing.
Testing Types
- Fresh concrete testing including workability, pour records, cube making for strength tests, air content
- Hardened concrete testing including statistical compliance analysis
- Investigations including concrete coring, dust drilling, cover meter and half cell
Geotechnical, soils and fills
- Insitu CBR, plate bearing tests
- Density testing by sand replacement, core cutter and nuclear
- Trial pits
- Soakaway testing
Recycled materials
- Sampling, materials analysis
- Sampling, materials analysis
- Sampling from heaps, lorries and pavers
- Temperature and rolling records
- Surface texture
- Surface regularity